Monday 27 June 2011

Snack My Bitch Up Exclusive: Giving the Fish Finger

It's been a busy week. Too much work and not enough stunt cooking.

On Friday night at the pub, I was moaning about the lack of stunt cooking this week.

"I'll do it," says Dan Ilic. "I've got the house to myself this weekend, I'll do a guest post."

And so... here it is. (not sure if you should try this one at home tho...)

Giving The Fish Finger

I think when you're going to make a dish you should always have a salient point, and if your dish is seafood you should also have a saline point too. So my salty dish of goodness also packs a sour attitude, however like an angry adolescent, this dish is just misunderstood. Slice through the meticulously processed fingers of seafood caked in breadcrumbs and you'll be treated to a bed of warm blueberries, blue from the depths of the ocean, but also blue from the angst in the soul. While the blue berries look unsettling they compliment the fish finger, salt and sweet, then to top it off the letters L O V E are tatooed in chocolate sauce just above "the knuckles", normal tattoos are permanent, however I think you'll find that this tattoo will be the least permanent feature the dish as the chocolate will melt withing seconds of hitting the steaming fish fingers. The whole dish is surrounded  a ring of blue smarties which symbolise the barrier of politeness that the viewer has towards this unorthodox dish.

Bon Appetit.

1 x box of Coles blue berries
1 x family pack of smarties
1 x box of 15 Coles Fish Fingers
1 x bottle of Coles chocolate ice cream topping
1 x cup of love

And check out the finished product!!!


  1. Oh my goodness that looks so disgusting!!! Fish and chocolate?! Oh Dan!

  2. If you'd used custard, then lots of Doctor Who fans would be getting in on this. Just saying.

  3. Dan, I've only got half a cup of love in the cupboard. Will the recipe still work or should I substitute? Perhaps a cup of mutual acceptance?
    Cheers, Turtle

  4. I don't have any fish fingers, or blueberries, can I substiture chicken nuggets and strawberries instead?

  5. Have all the smarties been sucked to remove them of their colour? If so that is excellent attention to detail. Jess.
