Sunday 12 June 2011

Camera Cake!!

Apologies for the lack of blogging... But I do hope this post makes up for it. Like all the best stuntcooking efforts, this began as one of Lucy Carter's crazy ideas.

"Let's make a camera cake" said Lucy.... And I started googling. We toyed with the idea of a 2d camera... but all the best movies are 3d. Ditto, all the best cakes.

The cake was for Elize who is heading to NYC to do a photography course. Elize is gluten-intolerant... So Luce got to work making a stash of gluten-free chocolate cakes.

Then we began sculpting:

And more sculpting, sticking all the bits together with chocolate icing:

Then we dyed a bucket of icing grey. And amazingly... we got it on the cake! Neither Lucy or I can explain how we managed to do it so perfectly.

But grey icing IS messy!!

And then we used black marzipan to make buttons and toffee for the lens...

And the other bits of glass.

Almost done!

And finally, we were done! The white writing is white chocolate icing, though it doesn't go hard, so add it just before unveiling the cake. 

Here's Elize with the final product... and her actual camera. Which one is which?? I can't tell.

Til next time, Happy Stunt Cooking.

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