Here's our latest stunt cooking extravaganza. A record player cake!!!
Zan Rowe needed an excellent cake for her 33 1/3rd birthday. Lucy Carter and I came to the rescue. Our very first cake commission! We were almost as excited as we were when we discovered Coles sold cupcake-holding-tupperware for $12.
So we set work. Lucy made cakes (a round choc mud for the record) and I started on the cupcakes (red velvet with cream cheese icing and chocolate records.
Chocolate records are hard to make. Out of the first block of chocolate and half a block of white chocolate, I only managed to make TWO records. But don't they look great?
Then we started icing the cakes. Due to all the excitement, we forgot to document the early stages. But we bought black fondant and made pink fondant. The base cake (the white bit) is amazing caramel mud cake covered in fondant. And the grooves in the record were made with a pastry comb. As you can see, it doesn't look that great covered in icing sugar... but wait there's more.
And here are the cupcakes... thanks to Marc Fennell for the icing.
And here they are with records on top:
And the cake was coming along too. We made the arm of the needle out of a skewer covered in fondant (the only non-edible bit of the cake).
And finally we were finished.
And iced some "z"'s onto the cupcakes and put them in our lovely Coles cupcake tray.
And then it was time to transport the cake to The Dip. We didn't drop it!!!
Later, on my way to the party... I packed the essential icing for touch ups into my handbag.
And then it was time for the eating (thanks to Levins for cutting it up). The cupcakes vanished so quick I didn't have time to take a pic. SOMEONE ate TWO. They know who they are.
Til next time, Happy Baking.
You make MasterChef look like MasterCrap (so do they come to think of it). I scored you're topical and fancifully rich caking 11/10 :)