Monday 16 May 2011


I'm watching Masterchef and cooking dinner. Dinner is good (indian chicken with garam masala and mustard seed red cabbage, yoghurt and coriander).

It even looks good:

And as a bonus it involves several key ingredients that Al Piotrowski was just talking about in some diet story on ACA....

But it's hardly proper stunt cooking.... so thank goodness I can outsource.

A couple of weeks ago Lucy Carter made an amazing cake. It's the kind of cake you'll never find in the Women's Weekly Kids Party Cake Book... but I'll let her tell the story:


Can you make the boob cake’ asked Karina, ‘I keep saying I will but really I’ve been putting it off all day thinking that you would do it.  You’ll make a great boob cake.’

This is what my friends think of me. And frankly I am not disappointed.

Karina and Yvette wanted a boob cake baked for their housemate’s birthday.  He (allegedly) bakes erotic pies for them and they wanted to return the favour.

So,  Boob Cake it is.

First things first the actual cake.  A caramel mud made with this recipe (which I would highly recommend.  Moist and delicious.  I doubled it for the boob cake and it worked perfectly)

It was baked in two pyrex jugs for…well… the jugs and then the rest went into a big rectangular roasting tray for the torso.  It was baked very carefully… pulled the torso bit out about 20 minutes before the boobs.

Icing was made with a heap of icing mixture, a dollop of margarine and vanilla essence and exactly one drop of red food colouring.  Flesh tone was achieved a lot more easily than I had anticipated.

Boobs were inverted, placed on top of rectangular cake, and a ‘waist’ was cut out of the torso bit.

Huge amounts of icing were then applied to hold the whole thing together.

For the nipples, large pink sugar flowers were used.  A smaller pink sugar flower worked well as a  belly-button.

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